Bezokolicznik czy gerund


Napisz podane wyrazy w nawiasach we właściwej formie albo bezokolicznika lub formy z końcówką -ing (gerund) w języku angielskim.

Potrzebujesz pomocy?

Do you remember (go) to school for the first time?
He stopped (buy) some cigarettes.
I forgot (tell) you about the concert.
I need (go) to the doctor.
I regret (tell) you my secret. I was my mistake.
I regret (tell) you that you are fired.
I’ll never forget (fly) for the first time.
My hair need (cut) .
Try to remember (call) me.
Why don’t you try (work) harder?
Will you stop (talk) , please?
You should try (go) to bed earlier.