Dates in English

The table below shows the way how we say the dates in English. The left column shows how we write the dates and the right column shows how we say them.

We write We say
35 B.C. ('Before Christ') B.C. is usually necessary
A.D. 100 A.D. one hundred
'Anno Domini',
'in the year of our Lord' in latin
using A.D. is not necessary, except with the early centuries to avoid possible confusion
1500-1599 the sixteenth century
1900-1910 the nineteen hundreds
1066 ten sixty-six
1917 nineteen seventeen
1901 nineteen hundred and one
1900 nineteen hundred
2000 the year two thousand
6th January, 1990 (lub '90)
(-st, -nd, - rd, -th may be omitted as well as the comma before the year)
January 6th, 1998 (lub '98)
(-st, -nd, - rd, -th may be omitted as well as the comma before the year)
6.1.90 = 06.01.90 BrE: January 6, 1990
AmE: June 1, 1990
we say: (BrE) January the sixth = the sixth of January
(AmE) January sixth