Słowotwórstwo angielski zasady
Tworzenie wyrazów pochodnych od tych, które już obecnie znamy nie należy do bardzo łatwych zadań. Bardzo często zadawanym pytaniem przez osoby uczące się języka angielskiego jest w jaki sposób można tworzyć rzeczowniki, przymiotniki czy czasowniki od wyrazów, które już poznaliśmy. Odpowiedź na to pytanie nie należy do bardzo łatwych. Na półkach księgarskich można znaleźć pozycje, które opisują zasady tworzenia wyrazów w języku angielskim. Zawierają one oprócz bardzo wielu przykładów, także wiele wyjątków, które mogą przyprawić o bół głowy kogoś kto chce zgłębić tajniki tego zagadnienia. Zasady stosowane w słowotwórstwie są bardzo obszerne i prawidłowe ich stosowanie może stanowić o biegłości w posługiwaniu się językiem angielskim.
Letter 'A' (13)
- possibilityacceptable, admirable, adorable, advisable, comparable, dependable, desirable, disposable, enjoyable, imaginable, irritable, manageable, noticeable, peelable, predictable, profitable, recognizable, remarkable, tolerable, understandable, variable, washable- having certain qualitiescomfortable, fashionable, honourable, knowledgeable, pleasurable, valuableafter-
- timing of activitiesafter-dinner, after-hours, after-lunch, after-sales, after-school, after-work- resultsaftertaste, after-effects, afterglow, after-care, after-image, afterpain, aftershock, after-smell-age
- a process or stateblockage, breakage, coverage, drainage, leakage, linkage, marriage, shortage, shrinkage, spoilage, stoppage, storage, wastage, wreckage- measurementacreage, footage, litreage, mileage, percentage, poundage, tonnage, voltage, yardageagro-
- connected with 'soil' or 'agriculture'agrochemical, agrology, agronomist, agronomy-aholic
- 'dedicated to something'bookaholic, cashaholic, chocaholic, newsaholic, shopaholic, workaholic, writaholic-al
- connectionaccidental, additional, classical, continental, conventional, conversational, cynical, educational, emotional, environmental, experimental, fanatical, geographical, global, historical, institutional, logical, mechanical, musical, national, occasional, oriental, original, parental, philosophical, political, presidential, professional, regional, residential, sceptical, sensational, sentimental, statistical, traditional- actionsavowal, bestowal, betrayal, committal, denial, dismissal, renewal, rental, withdrawalall-
- one thing or qualityall-acrylic, all-action, all-aluminium, all-black, all-cash, all-electic, all-female, all-grey, all-male, all-new, all-rubber, all-star, all-steel, all-union, all-volunteer, all-white, all-woman, all-wood, all-wool- every typeall-age, all-function, all-party, all-purpose, all-season, all-sports, all-weather- affecting everyone or everythingall-absorbing, all-conquering, all-consuming, all-demanding, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-engulfing, all-enveloping, all-giving, all-inclusive, all-invading, all-knowing, all-loving, all-pervading, all-seeing-an
- connected with the names of placesAfrican, Algerian, American, Angolan, Asian, Australian, Brazilian, Californian, Cuban, European, Hungarian, Indian, Italian, Korean, Nigerian, Russian, Sicilian, Syrian-ance
- with verbsacceptance, admittance, alliance, appearance, assitance, assurance, attendance, clearance, defiance, disappearance, disturbance, dominance, endurance, entrance, guidance, insurance, maintenance, observance, performance, radiance, reliance, resemblance, resistance, tolerance- with adjectivesabundace, arrogance, brilliance, elegance, extravagance, exuberance, fragrance, ignorance, importance, insignificance, intolerance, invariance, irrelevance, petulance, predominance, reluctance, repugnance, significance, vigilance-ant
- occupations and participationaccountant, applicant, assailant, assistant, attendant, combatant, consultant, contestant, defendant, dependant, descendant, emigrant, immigrant, informant, inhabitant, occupant, perticipant, servant- things which have an effectaccelerant, contaminant, coolant, decongestant, defoliant, depressant, determinant, disinfectant, lubricant, pollutant, sealent- in adjectivesabundant, adamant, arrogant, brilliant, buoyant, constant, distant, dominant, elegant, extravagant, ignorant, important, indignant, instant, militant, pleasant, pregnant, redundant, revevant, reluctant, significant, tolerant, triumphant, vacantanti-
- oppositionanti-abortion, anti-aggression, anti-authority, anti-British, anti-capitalist, anti-colonial, anti-communist, anti-democratic, anti-discrimination, anti-establishment, anti-government, anti-marriage, anti-nuclear, anti-racist, anti-war- preventionanti-aircraft, anti-bacterial, anti-burglar, anti-car-thief, anti-cholesterol, anti-depressant, anti-fraud, anti-freeze, anti-fungal, anti-infection, anti-inflation, anti-invasion, anti-missile, anti-pollution, anti-rust, anti-seasickness, anti-submarine, anti-tank-archy
- connected with 'rule' or 'government'anarchy, hierarchy, matriarchy, monarchy, oligarchy, patriarchy-arian
- connected with particular thingagrarian, authoritarian, disciplinarian, egalitarian, humanitarian, librarian, parliamentrian, totalitarian, vegetarian, veterinarian
Letter 'B' (13)
- the major part of somethingacid-based, cash-based, class-based, coal-based, computer-based, education-based, export-based, fuel-based, hydrogen-based, lead-based, leisure-based, market-based, money-based, nitrogen-based oil-based, project-based, property-based, protein-based, service-based, water-based- the basis of somethingbroad-based, broadly-based, firmly-based, solidly-based, soundly-based, widely-based- placesAmerican-based, British-based, city-based, community-based, country-based, European-based, foreign-based, home-based, hospital-based, land-based, London-based, ocean-based, overseas-based, Paris-based, school-based, town-basedbe-
- wearing something or covered with somethingbejewelled, bespectacled, bewigged- to cause to becomebecalmed, bedraggled, befuddled, beguile, belie, belittle, beloved, bemused, bereaved, besotted, betray, bewildered, bewitched, bewitching- transitive verbsbefriend, begrudge, behold, bemoan, bequeath, berate, beseech, beset, besiege, bestowbi-
- twobicarbonate, bicentenary, bicycle, bifocals, bigamy, bilateral, bilingual, binary, binoculars, biplane, biset- twicebi-annual, bi-annually, biennial, bi-monthly, bi-weeklybio-
- connected with life or living thingsbiography, antibiotics, autobiography, biochemical, biochemistry, biodegradable, biologist, biology, biopsy, biosphere, biosystem-bound
- restrictionsclass-bound, culture-bound, desk-bound, duty-bound, fog-bound, home-bound, housebound, snowbound, tradition-bound, wheelchair-bound- directionearthbound, eastbound, home-bound, inbound, London-bound, northbound, outbound, southboud, westbound- coverings and booksbrass-bound, cardboard-bound, cloth-bound, leather-bound, metal-bound, paper-bound
Letter 'C' (13)
- connected with 'hundred'bicentenary, bicentennial, centenary, centigrage, centimetre, century, percent, percentagechron-
- connected with 'time'anachronism, anachronistic, chronic, chronicle, chronological, chronology, chronometer, synchronic, synchronize, synchronized-cide
- connected with 'killing'fungicide, genocide, herbicide, homicide, infanticide, insecticide, parricide, patricide, persticide, regicide, suicidecine-
- connected with 'motion pictures'cine-camera, cine-film, cinema, cinematic, cinematographyco-
- referring to people doing things togetherco-author, co-chairman, co-defendant, co-director, co-driver, co-founder, co-leader, co-manager, co-membership, co-ownership, co-pilot, co-presenter, co-producer, co-selector, co-starcol-, com-, con-
- referring to words which have 'together' or 'with' in their meaningcollaborate, colleague, collect, collide, collocation, combine, commerce, communal, communication, community, companion, company, compatible, compound, comrade, concur, conference, conjunction, connect, consensus, consortium, conspiracy, contact, contemporary, coverage-conscious
- combines with nouns to form adjectivesage-conscious, budget-conscious, cash-conscious, class-conscious, clock-conscious, cost-conscious, design-conscious, diet-conscious, ecology-conscious, energy-conscious, future-conscious, health-conscious, image-conscious, media-conscious, profit-conscious, risk-conscious, safety-conscious, self-conscious, status-conscious, time-conscious, trend-consciousconter-
- when actions or activities oppose another action or activityconter-accusation, counteract, counterargument, counterattack, counterattraction, counterbalance, counterblow, countercharge, counter-claim, counter-espionage, counterexample, counterfire, counterforce, counter-measure, counter-move, counter-offensive, counter-offer, counterplan, counter-plot, counter-proposal, counterreaction, counter-reform, counter-strategy, counterstrike, counterweight-craft
- referring to vehiclesaircraft, hovercraft, landing-craft, passengercraft, spacecraft, watercraft- abilities and skillshandicrafts, filmcraft, housecraft, needlecraft, stagecraft, statecraft, witchcraft, woodcraftcross-
- movementcross-border, cross-campus, cross-channel, cross-country, cross-frontier, cross-harbour, cross-town- position or directioncross-bar, cross-beam, cross-current, cross-draught, cross-flow, cross-gust, cross-legged, cross-piece, crossroads, crosswind- more than one person or thingcross-breed, cross-cultural, cross-indexed, cross-party, cross-reference, cross-training-cy
- a state or qualityaccuracy, ascendancy, buoyance, consistency, decency, deficiency, delicacy, dependency, diplomacy, efficiency, expectancy, fluency, frequency, hesitancy, illiteracy, immediacy, inadequacy, inconsistency, inefficiency, infancy, insufficiency, intimacy, irrelevancy, legitimacy, literacy, obstinacy, potency, pregnancy, privacy, proficiency, redundancy, secrecy, transparency, urgency- rank, positionaccountancy, advocacy, bureaucracy, candidacy, captaincy, chieftaincy, consultancy, magistracy, occupancy, piracy, presidency, tenancy
Letter 'D' (9)
- the opposite actiondeactivate, decentralize, declassify, decolonize, decommunissation, decompression, decongestion, decontaminate, decouple, de-emphasize, dehumanize, dehydrate, deindustralize, dematerialize, demobilize, demystify, depersonalize, deregulate, destabilize- the removal of somethingbebug, de-curtain, de-feather, defrost, ge-gut, dehouse, de-ice, de-ink, de-mist, descale, de-skilldeca-
- referring to words with 'ten' as part of their meaningdecade, decagon, decalitre, decametre, decathlondeci-
- referring to words with 'tenth' as part of their meaningdecibel, decilitre, decimal, decimetrederm-
- referring to words with 'skin' as part of their meaningdermal, dermatitis, dermatologist, dermatology, dermis, epidermiadia-
- referring to words with 'through', 'across' or 'between' as part of their meaningdiagonal, dialectic, dialogue, diameter, diaphanous, diaphragmdis-
- the opposite actiondisagree, disallow, disappear, disapprove, disarm, disband, disbelieve, disconnect, discontinue, discredit, disembark, disengage, disentangle, dishearten, disinfect, disinherit, disintegrate, disinvest, dislike, dismount, disobey, disorganize, disown, displace, displease, dispossess, disprove, disqualify, dissatisfy, distrust, disunite, disuse- opposite statesdisadvantage, disbelief, discomfort, discontent, discourteous, discourtesy, disfavour, disharmony, dishonest, dishonour, disincentive, disinterested, disloyal, disobedience, disobliging, disorder, disproportionate, disrepute, disrespect, disservice, dissimilar-dom
- state or conditionboredom, chiefdom, dukedom, earldom, freedom, gangsterdom, hippiedom, officialdom, princedom, stardom, wisdom- a realm or territorydukedom, kingdom, princedomdouble-
- twodouble-action, double-barrelled, double-breasted, double-check, double-decker, double-doors, double-edged, double-glazed, double-handed, double-length, double-locked, double-page, double-seamed, double-sied, double-strength- deceptiondouble-cross, double-deal, double-dealng, double-talkdown-
- direction or positiondownhill, downriver, downstage, downstairs, downstream, downward, downwind- becoming worsedownfall, downgrade, downplay, downtrend, downturn
Letter 'E' (14)
- someone who is affected by an actionaddressee, appointee, assgnee, deportee, detainee, employee, evacuee, examinee, franchisee, internee, interviewee, licensee, nominee, payee, trainee, transferee, trustee- someone who performs on actionabsentee, divorcee, escapee, retireeem-, en-
- when referring to moving into a different state or conditionembark, embed, embody, enable, encamp, encircle, enclose, encourage, endanger, enfeeble, enfold, enforce, engulf, enlarge, enrage, enrich, enslave, entangle, entrance, entrap, entwine-en
- when changing the quality or state of somethingblacken, brighten, broaden, cheapen, dampen, darken, deepen, deafen, fatten, flatten, freshen, harden, heighten, lengthen, lessen, lighten, loosen, mosten, quieten, redden, sharpen, shorten, sicken, slacken, stiffen, straighten, strengthen, sweeten, thicken, toughen, weaken, widen, worsen- indicating what something is made ofearthen, flaxen, golden, leaden, oaken, silken, waxen, wooden, woollen-ence
- when referring to the action or state described by the original verbadherence, coherence, correspondence, defence, dependence, emergence, existence, insistence, persistence, preference, pretence, reference, residence, reminiscence, treanscendence- when forming nounsabsence, adolescence, affluence, benevolence, competence, confidence, convenience, diffidence, disobedience, eloquence, indifference, innocence, intelligence, obedience, patience, presence, violence-ent
- forming adjectives or nounsabosorbent, correspondent, dependent, different, existent, insistent, persistent, respondent, student-er
- when forming comparative adjectivesbigger, brighter, colder, darker, deeper, fatter, fuller, larger, later, safer, slower, smaller, softer, thicker- referring to occupationsbaker, driver, employer, farmer, leader, lecturer, manager, painter, player, producer, reader, reporter, rider, speaker, teacher, waiter, winner, worker, writer-ery
- when forming nouns from verbsbribery, butchery, cookery, delivery, discovery, embroidery, fattery, forgery, recovery, robbery- referring to behaviourbravery, foolery, prudery, savagery, snoberry- referring to placesbakery, brewery, creamery, fashery, nursery, orangery, piggery, refinery, shrubbery, tannery- referring to a group or collectionartillery, crockery, greenary, jewellery, machinery, pottery, scenery-ese
- referring to originChinese, Japanese, Lebanese, Maltese, Nepalese, Portuguese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese- referring to languagesChinese, Japanese, Portugese-ess
- nouns referring to a woman or a female animalactress, countess, duchess, empress, goddess, heiress, hostess, lioness, mistress, princess, stewardess, tigress, waitress-est
- when forming superlative adjectivesbiggeset, darkest, deepest, fattest, largest, longest, loudest, newest, oldest, saddest, slowlest, tallest, youngestever-
- alwaysever-decreasing, ever-efficient, ever-expanding, ever-faithful, ever-growing, ever-helpful, everlasting, ever-increasing, ever-open, ever-popular, ever-present, ever-smiling, ever-watching, ever-willingex-
- when forming nounsex-boxer, ex-communist, ex-convict, ex-employer, ex-friend, ex-husband, ex-minister, ex-president, ex-professor, ex-secretary, ex-soldier, ex-wifeextra-
- when forming adjectivesextra-bright, extra-hard, extra-hot, extra-large, extra-long, extra-short, extra-small, extra-soft, extra-solid, extra-thin
Letter 'F' (5)
- when referring to parts of bodychin-first, face-first, feet-first, head-first, heel-first, nose-firstfore-
- the frontforearm, foredeck, forehead, foreleg, forelimb, forepart, foreshore- beforeforecast, forefathers, foreknowledge, forerunner, foresee, foreshadow, foresight, foretaste, forethought, forewarn, foreword-free
- with nouns to form adjectivesadditive-free, carefree, crime-free, debt-free, disease-free, dust-free, duty-free, guilt-free, ice-free, interest-free, lead-free, meat-free, muclear-free, oxygen-free, pain-free, pollution-free, rent-free, risk-free, stress-free, tax-free, trouble-free, weed-free-ful
- amounts and measurementarmful, bagful, bottleful, boxful, bucketful, cupful, fistful, glassful, houseful, jugful, mounthful, panful, plateful, pocketful, roomful, sackful, saucerful, spoonful, tablespoonful, tankful, teaspoonful- characteristics and qualitiesbeautiful, boastful, cheerful, deceitful, delightful, dutiful, flavourful, forceful, graceful, harmful, helpful, joyful, merciful, painful, peaceful, playful, powerful, shameful, successful, tactful, thankful, usefulfull-
- referring to degree or extentfull-blooded, full-blown, full-flavoured, full-grown, full-scale, full-speed, full-strength, full-volume- referring to the wholefull-colour, full-page, full-size, full-time
Letter 'G' (5)
- referring to words with 'earth' as part of their meaninggeocentric, geographical, geography, geological, geology, geophysical, geophysics, geopolitical, geopolitics-gon
- referring to words with 'angles' as part of their meaningdecagon, hexagon, octagon, polygon-gram
- written or drawnanagram, diagram, hologram, monogram, pentagram, pictogram, telegram- weightkilogram, microgram, milligram-graph
- referring to words with 'writing', 'record' or 'drawing' as part of their meaningautograph, holograph, monograph, paragraph, photograph, telegraphgreat-
- with nouns referring to memebers of a familygreat-grandchild, great-granddaughter, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, great-grandparent, great-grandson
Letter 'H' (9)
- referring to words with 'blood' as part of their meaninghaematologist, haematology, haemoglobinhalf-
- used with verbs, participles, adjectives and nouns to form new verbs, adjectives and nounshalf-afraid, half-asleep, half-cooked, half-dressed, half-eaten, half-empty, half-finished, half-forgotten, half-full, half-grown, half-listening, half-melted, half-open, half-realize, half-smiling, half-starved, half-wild- parts of somethinghalf-bottle, half-century, half-circle, half-cup, half-distance, half-dozen, half-hour, half-inch, half-length, half-marathon, half-mile, half-million, half-minute, half-page, half-pay, half-pint, half-price, half-strength, half-year- race and nationalityhalf-French, half-German, half-English, half-Dutch, half-Irish- brothers and sistershalf-brother, half-sisterhand-
- when made, done or operated by a personhand-built, hand-finished, hand-knitted, hand-made, hand-operated, hand-painted, hand-printed, hand-sew, hand-stitched, hand-wash, hand-washing, hand-woven, handwriting, handwritten- carried or operated with your handshandbag, hand-luggage, hand-bell, handbrake, hand-grenade, handgun, handkerchief, hand-luggage, hand-mirror-hand
- holding somethingcup-hand, gun-hand, knife-hand, napkin-hand, phone-hand, racket-hand, weapon-hand- jobscowhand, deckhand, factory-hand, farm-hand, fieldhand, garage-hand- positionleft-hand, right-hand-head
- disapprovalegghead, fathead, hothead, pinhead, sleepyhead, sorehead, squarehead- the top part of somethingbed-head, clubhead, flower-head, masterhead, pinhead, seed-head- an entrance or sourcebridgehead, letterhead, pithead, railhead, road-head, wellhead-headed
- characteristicsbig-headed, cool-headed, empty-headed, even-headed, fuzzy-headed, hard-headed, hot-headed, level-headed, light-headed, soft-headed, thick-headed, wrong-headed- appearancebald-headed, bareheaded, black-headed, blong-headed, crop-headed, curly-headed, elephant=headed, flat-headed, gold-headed, grey-headed, heavy-headed, ivory-headed, redheaded, round-headed, shaven-headed, sleek-headed, small-headed, stubble-headed, white-headedhome-
- in the homehome-baked, home-bottled, home-bred, home-brewed, home-cooked, home-distiled, home-dyed, home-frozen, home-grown, home-made, home-painted, home-prepared, home-produced- related to someone's homehome-based, home-builder, home-buyer, home-centred, home-loving, homemaker, home-owner-hood
- to form new nouns from nouns referring to peopleadulthood, babyhood, bachelorhood, boyhood, childhood, daughterhood, fatherhood, girlhood, guesthood, maidenhood, manhood, motherhood, parenthood, spinsterhood, studenthood, wifehood, womanhoodhydr-
- referring to words with 'water' as part of their meaninghydrant, hydraulic, hydrocarbon, hydro-electric, hydro-electricity, hydro-energy, hydrofoil, hydrology, hydrophobia, hydro-power
Letter 'I' (18)
- a job or hobbybeautician, comedian, dietician, electician, historian, magician, mathematician, musician, optician, paediatrician, physician, politician, technician- referring to a particular personDarwinian, Dickensian, Elizabethan, Georgian, Orwellian, Shakespearean, Victorian-ibility
- to form nounsaccessibility, compatibility, credibility, feasibility, legibility, plausibility, reponsibility, susceptibility, tangibility, visibility-ible
- to form adjectivesaccessible, comprehensible, convertible, deductible, defensible, digestible, discernible, permissible, resistible-ic
- to form adjectives from nounsacrobatic, alcoholic, atomic, autocratic, bureaucratic, cubic, democratic, diplomatic, enthusiastic, gymnastic, heroic, idiotic, ironic, linguistic, magnetic, meteoric, patriotic, photographic, poetic, rhytmic, symbolic-ics
- referring to a subject or an area of studyacoustics, aerobics, athletics, classics, economics, electronics, genetics, linguistics, logistics, mathematics, physics, politics-ify
- referring to verbs which describe the processamplify, beautify, clarify, classify, dignify, diversify, falsify, glorify, horrify, identify, intensify, justify, magnify, modify, notify, personify, purify, qualify, satisfy, signify, simplify, solidify, specify, terrifyil-, im-, in-, ir-
- to form adjectives or nounsillegal, illegible, illiterate, illogical, immature, impatient, imperfect, impossible, impractical, improbably, inability, inadequate, inaudible, incapable, incomprehensible, independent, informal, injustice, insecurity, irrational, irregular, irrelevant, irreplaceable, irresistible, irrisponsibleill-
- to form adjectives referring to actions done badlyill-advised, ill-adapted, ill-chosen, ill-concealed, ill-conceived, ill-considered, ill-designed, ill-educated, ill-equipped, ill-founded, ill-informed, ill-paid, ill-prepared, ill-suited, ill-timed- to form nouns and adjectivesill-bred, ill-disposed, ill-fated, ill-feeling, ill-fortune, ill-health, ill-humour, ill-luck, ill-natured, ill-starred, ill-tempered, ill-treatment, ill-will-in-law
- referring to memebers of familybrother-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, parents-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-lawinter-
- betweeninter-city, intercontinental, inter-family, interlanguage, international, interpersonal, interplanetary, inter-racial, interseasonal, interstate, interterritorial- connectioninteract, interbreeding, interchange, interconnect, interdependence, interknit, interlink, interlock, intermingled, interplay, intersection, intertwine-ion
- to form nouns from verbsaction, addition, collection, combination, conclusion, connection, contribution, creation, decision, direction, education, examination, exhibition, explanation, imagination, information, operation, organization, production, protection, reaction, realization, reduction, situation-ish
- nationality or languageBritish, Danish, English, Finnish, Irish, Moorish, Polish, Scottish, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish- with adjectivesbiggish, blackish, bluish, brownish, dampish, darkish, fattish, flattish, goodish, greenish, largish, longish, oldish, plumpish, reddish, smallish, tallish, thinnish, warmish, wettish, whitish, youngish- to form adjectives from nounsamateurish, babyish, bearish, boyish, bullish, childish, feverish, fiendish, foolish, girlish, hellish, mannish, monkish, owlish, prudish, slavish, snobbish, wolfish, womanish- age or timebookish, outlandish, peckish, selfish, sharpish, sheepish, sluggish, stylish-ism
- beliefs and behaviourfaminism, optimism, pessimism, absenteeism, alcoholism, anarchism, capitalism, consumerism, cynism, expressionism, heroism, hooliganism, humanism, idealism, liberalism, modernism, nationalism, opportunism, patriotism, perfectionism, professionalism, realism, sceptism, socialism, symblism, terrorism, totalitarianism, vandalism-ist
- referring to beliefs and behaviouractivist, capitalist, communist, conformist, extremist, idealist, modernist, nationalist, opportunist, perfectionist, realist, socialist, terrorist- occupationsartist, cartoonist, columnist, dentist, dramatist, economist, historicist, pharmacist, physicist, physiotherapist, psychiatrist, scientist, therapist, tourist, typist- musiciansbassist, basoonist, cellist, flautist, guitarist, keyboardist, oboist, pianist, saxophonist, trombonist, violinist-itis
- illnessesappendicitis, arthritis, bronchitis, dermatitis, hepatitis, meaningits, tonsillitis-ity
- to form nounsabsurdity, anonymity, authenticity, brutality, complexity, creativity, curiosity, diversity, equality, familiarity, formality, generosity, hostility, immunity, intensity, originality, popularity, productivity, prosperity, security, sensitivity, simplicity, superiority-ive
- to form adjectivesactive, aggressive, alternative, attractive, competitive, comprehensive, constructive, creative, dicisive, defensive, destructive, effective, excessive, expensive, extensive, imaginative, intensive, lucrative, massive, negative, offensive, productive, protective- to form nounsaddictive, collective, conservative, contraceptive, detective, executive, incentive, initiative, invective, locomotive, missive, motive, narrative, objective, offensive, perspective, preservative, relative, representative-ize
- referring to actionsapologize, characterize, emphasize, fantasize, jeoperdize, memorize, moralize, pressurize, revolutionize, subsidize, summarize, symbolize, sympathize- to form verbs from nouns and adjectivesdemocratize, equalize, generalize, harmonize, hospitalize, industrialize, legalize, mobilize, modernize, neutralize, personalize, publicize, stabilize, sterilize, terrorize, victimize- -ise - British spellingadvertise, advise, comrise, compromise, devise, disguise, exercise, improvise, practise, promise, supervise, surprise,
Letter 'K' (2)
- referring to objects consisted of a thousand partskilobyte, kilocalorie, kilogram, kilohertz, kilolitre, kilometre, kilowatt-kind
- to form nouns from nouns referring to peoplehumankind, mankind, womankind
Letter 'L' (6)
- to form adjectives from nouns or adjectives of nationalitycommunist-led, consumer-led, demand-led, earnings-led, employee-led, government-led, investment-led, labour-led, market-led, opposition-led, student-led, teacher-led, worker-led-less
- lacking somethingairless, beltless, brainless, characterless, effortless, endless, flawless, harmless, heartless, helpless, hopeless, humourless, lifeless, meaningless, motionless, nameless, powerless, restless, speechless, spineless, tacktless, thoughtless, useless- when exceeding a categoryageless, countless, numberless, priceless, timeless-let
- smaller thingsbooklet, coverlet, cutlet, droplet, eaglet, froglet, islet, owlet, piglet, startlet, streamlet- jewelleryanklet, armlet, bracelet, circlet, wristlet-like
- to form adjectives from nounsanimal-like, baby-like, bird-like, cat-like, childlike, clock-like, cowlike, daisy-like, desert-like, dog-like, doll-like, dreamlike, flower-like, honey-like, ladylike, owl-like, pillar-like, prison-like-logue
- referring to words with 'speaking' or 'discussion' as part of their meaningcatalogue, decalogue, dialogue, epilogue, monologue, prologue-ly
- to form adverbs from adjectivesbadly, cheaply, clearly, directly, easily, equally, exactly, finally, frequently, gradually, immediately, naturally, normally, obviously, perfectly, properly, quickly, rapidly, recently, seriously, slowly, suddently, usually- to form adjectives from nouns or other adjectivescostly, earthly, easterly, elderly, fatherly, friendly, heavenly, kindly, leisurely, lively, lonely, lovely, lowly, manly, motherly, northerly, orderly, sharply, sickly, sisterly, southerly, westerly, womanly, worldly- frequencydaily, forthnightly, hourly, monthly, quarterly, weekly, yearly
Letter 'M' (6)
- to form adjectives from nouns and adjectivesAmerican-made, British-made, Chinese-made, country-made, European-made, factory-made, foreign-made, French-made, fresh-made, hand-made, Hollywood-made, home-made, machine-made, man-made, new-made, ready-made, tailor-mademal-
- to form nouns, adjectives and verbs describing things which are bad or unpleasantmaladjusted, maladministration, maldistribution, malfunction, malnutrition, malodorous, malpractice, maltreatmentman-
- to form nouns and adjectives from words that describe an actionman-destroying, man-devised, man-eating, man-hunt, man-killer, man-made, man-management, man-powered-man
- referring to occupations or interestsbarman, businessman, cameraman, clergyman, coalman, dairyman, deliveryman, fireman, fisherman, gasman, gunman, milkman, policeman, postman, railwayman, repairman, salesman, seaman, stuntman, taxman- referring to people's originsChinaman, Dutchman, Englishman, Frenchman, Irishman, Scotsman, Welshman- numbers of peopleeleven-man team, two-man tent, five-wheel vehicle-mate
- to form new nouns from nouns which refer to a place or activitybedmate, classmate, clubmate, flatmate, playmate, roommate, schoolmate, shipmate, team-mate, workmatemega-
- referring to sizemega-acquisition, mega-bid, megablock, megabucks, mega-bureaucracy, mega-buyout, mega-fantasy, megaloss, megaproduction, megastar- referring to measurementmegabyte, megahertz, megaton, megawatt-ment
- to form nouns from verbsaccomplishment, achievement, acknowledgement, adjustment, advertisement, agreement, amazement, announcement, argument, arrangement, asessment, assignement, attachment, commitment, development, discouragement, employment, enjoyment, entertainment, excitement, improvement, investment, involvement, management, movement, payment, punishement, puzzlement, replacement, requirement, resentement, retirement-meter
- in words referring to instruments or devicesbarometer, calorimeter, chronometer, colorimeter, hydrometer, mileometer, speedometer, thermometermicro-
- referring to nouns with 'very small' as part of their meaningmicrobiology, microcomputer, micro-economics, microelectronics, microfilm, micro-organism, microscope, microstructuremid-
- referring to timemid-afternoon, mid-century, midday, mid-evening, mid-hour, mid-month, mid-morning, midnight, midsummer, mid-week, midwinter- referring to positionmid-air, mid-Atlantic, mid-channel, mid-Europe, mid-ocean, mid-road- referring to actionsmid-bite, mid-career, mid-compsition, mid-flight, mid-life, mid-lunge, mid-page, mid-passage, mid-race, mid-section, mid-sentence, mid-step, mid-term, mid-voyage-minded
- referring to attitudes and characteristicsabsent-minded, broadminded, fair-minded, generous-minded, high-minded, like-minded, mean-minded, narrow-minded, open-minded, practical-minded, right-minded, single-minded, small-minded, strong-minded, tidy-minded, tough-minded, weak-minded- referring to interests and aimscareer-minded, community-minded, economy-minded, future-minded, management-minded, peace-minded, reform-minded, security-minded, sports-minded, war-mindedmis-
- to form verbs and nounsmisbehave, misbehaviour, miscaluculate, miscaluculation, misconception, misconduct, misdirect, misfortune, mishear, misinform, misinformation, misinterpret, misjudge, misjudgement, mismanage, misplace, misprint, mispronunciation, misquote, misread, mistreat, mistrust, misunderstanding, misusemock-
- to form nouns and adjectivesmock-attack, mock-childish, mock-discomfort, mock-expensive, mock-flight, mock-heroics, mock-innocent, mock-modesty, mock-sadness, mock-style-monger
- in nouns with 'trader' or 'dealer' as part of their meaningfishmonger, ironmonger, rumourmonger, warmonger
Letter 'N' (6)
- to form nouns and adjectives from other nouns and adjectivesnear-accident, near-bankrupt, near-black, near-certainty, near-chaos, near-crisis, near-disaster, near-equal, near-identical, near-impossible, near-miraculous, near-monopoly, near-panic, near-perfect, near-permanent, near-silence, near-vacuum, near-vertical, near-whiteneo-
- to form nouns and adjectives from other nouns and adjectivesneo-baroque, neo-classical, neo-classicism, neo-colonialist, neo-Darwinism, neo-expressionism, neo-Freudian, neo-Georgian, neo-Gothic, neo-Liberal-ness
- to form nouns from adjectives which refer to the state or qualityaggressiveness, attractiveness, awareness, awkwardness, bitterness, blindness, boldness, carelessness, cleverness, consciousness, deafness, effectiveness, emptiness, foolishness, friendliness, goodness, happiness, helplessness, illness, kindness, loneliness, loveliness, madness, nervousness, openness, permissiveness, rudeness, sadness, sickness, ugliness, weaknessnew-
- referring to something done recentlynewborn, new-built house, new-coined word, new-cut, new-fashioned, new-floored, new-found, new-hatched, new-laid, new-made, new-minted, new-pointed, new-washed, new-wedded, new-won- to form nouns and adjectivesnew-age, new-generation, new-look, new-looking, new-smelling, new-style,news-
- to form nounsnewsagent, newsboy, newscast, newsfilm, newsletter, news-magazine, newsman, newspaper, newsprint, newsreader, newsroom, news-standnon-
- to form nouns and adjectivesnon-aggressive, non-athletic, non-believer, non-binding, non-biological, non-classical, non-competitive, non-economic, non-essential, non-human, non-payment, non-profit, non-reader, non-resident, non-smoker, non-specialist, non-target, non-verbal, non-violence, non-violent
Letter 'O' (11)
- referring to positionoff-campus, off-court, off-field, off-road, off-screen, offshore, off-site, off-stage, off-track- when something is not the caseoff-balance, off-centre, off-guard, off-key, off-peak, off-season-off
- to form adjectives from adverbs referring to a financial situationbadly-off, better-off, comfortably-off, well-off, worse-off-oid
- referring to words which show that something is similar to something elsecuboid, fungoid, humanoid, tabloid-ological, -ology
- to form nouns referring to an area of study or systemanthropology, astrology, biology, ecology, geology, graphology, ideology, meteorology, methodology, mythology, neurology, ornitology, pathology, physiology, psychology, sociology, technology, terminology, theology, zoologyon-
- to form nouns referring to a place where something takes placeon-court, on-field, on-screen, onshore, on-site, on-stageonce-
- to form adjectives from adjectivesonce-common, once-famous, once-fashionable, once-forgotten, once-happy, once-lively, once-lovely, once-popular, once-powerful, once-private, once-respected-or
- to form nouns from verbs; they usually refer to occupationsactor, administrator, advisor, agitator, collaborator, collector, competitor, conductor, conspirator, contributor, counsellor, creator, director, editor, inspector, inventor, investigator, moderator, narrator, operator, possessor, protector, sailor, speculator, supervisor, visitor-osis
- referring to a process or statediagnosis, hypnosis, metamorphosis- referring to illness or diseaseneurosis, psychosis, sclerosis, tuberculosis-ous
- to form adjectives which express a quality possessed by someone or somethingadventurous, ambiguous, ambitious, anonymous, anxious, cautious, conspicuous, contemptuous, continuous, courageous, curious, dangerous, enormous, famous, furious, gracious, impetuous, mervellous, mysterious, nervous, nutritious, obvious, previous, religious, sensuous, serious, simultaneous, spacious, spontaneous, superstitious, tremendous, variousout-
- to form verbs from verbs, nouns and adjectivesoutbit, outclass, outdo, outgrow, outjump, outlast, outlive, outpace, outplay, outrun, outsell, outsmart, outstare, outswim, out-talk, out-walk, outwitover-
- to form adjectives, verbs and nouns expressing a quality or action done to too great extentover-anxious, overburden, over-cautious, overcharge, over-confident, overcook, overcrowd, over-developed, overdo, overdose, overdue, overeat, overestimate, overexposure, overfill, overgrown, overheat, overload, over-populated, overproduce, over-protective, overrate, over-react, oversized, oversleep, overspend, overweight, overwork, over-worried- to form verbs from nouns and verbsovercome, override, overrule, overrun, overthrow, overturn
Letter 'P' (17)
- to form adjectives from adjectives describing nationspan-African, pan-American, pan-continental, pan-Europeanpara-
- to form nouns and adjectives expressing similarityparamedic, paramilitary, para-professional- referring to activities involving parachutesparachute, paragliding, parasailingpart-
- to form adjectives and nouns from past participles and nounspart-assembled, part-concealed, part-constructed, part-cooked, part-owner, part-ownership, part-payment-people
- to form nouns referring to people who live in a particular place or involved in some activitycountry-people, townspeople, tradespeople-person
- referring to occupation or involvementchairperson, newsperson, spokesperson- referring to numbersa eleven-person game, a three-person flat, a two-person board game-phile
- in words which describe someone who likes something very muchbibliophile, Europhile, Anglophile, Francophile-phobia, -phobic
- in words which have 'fear' or 'drad' as part of their meaningagoraphobia, agoraphobic, claustrophobia, claustrophobic, homophobia, hydrophobia, xenophobia, xenophobicphon-
- in words with 'sound' or 'voice' as part of their meaningphonetic, phonetics, phonic, phonograph, phonology-phone
- referring to words connected with instrumentsgramophone, megaphone, microphone, saxophone, telephone-piece
- used with numbersa two-piece dress, a one-piece costume- referring to use or positionchimney-piece, earpiece, eyepiece, mouthpiecepoly-
- referring to words which have 'many' as part of their meaningpolyglot, polygon, polygraph, polyphony, polysyllabic, polytechnic-poor
- to form adjectivesnutrient-poor, oxygen-poor, resource-poor-post
- to form nouns and adjectivespost-election, post-examination, post-impressionism, post-independence, post-medieval, post-modernism, post-natal, post-race, post-religious, post-renaissance- referring to postal servicespostbag, post-box, postcard, postcode, postman, postmark, postmaster, post-office, post-servicepre-
- referring to something beforepre-birth, pre-budget, pre-Christmas, pre-dawn, pre-delivery, pre-dinner, pre-election, pre-examination, pre-game, pre-independece, pre-lunch, premarital, pre-match, pre-race, pre-retirement, pre-revolution, pre-school, pre-transformation- referring to an action which has already happenedpre-arranged, pre-booked, preconception, pre-cooked, pre-cut, predestination, pre-digested, pre-heated, premeditation, pre-packed, pre-paid, pre-payment, pre-planned, pre-prepared, pre-recorded, pre-selectedpro-
- expressing supportpro-allies, pro-business, pro-capitalist, pro-choice, pro-communist, pro-democracy, pro-family, pro-feminst, pro-government, pro-monarchy, pro-nationalist, pro-union-proof
- to form adjectivesaccident-proof, bullet-proof, child-proof, damp-proof, dust-proof, fireproof, foolprood, frost-proof, heatproof, inflation-proof, leakproof, ovenproof, rainproof, rust-proof, shoundproof, storm-proof, water-proof, windproofpsych-
- in words with 'mind' or 'mental processes' as part of their meaningpsychiatrist, psychiatry, psychic, psychoanalyst, psychological, psychology, psychopath
Letter 'Q' (2)
- to form words which indicate that something consist of four partsquadrangle, quadriceps, quadrilateralquasi-
- to form adjectives which describe things which are almost the same as the adjective usedquasi-attractive, quasi-academic, quasi-diplomatic, quasi-human, quasi-industrial, quasi-legal, quasi-magical, quasi-military, quasi-moderate, quasi-moral, quasi-official, quasi-religious
Letter 'R' (5)
- to form words which have 'radiation' or 'radio waves' as part of their meaningradioactive, radio-car, radiocarbon, radio-controlled, radiogram, radiography, radio-telephone, radio-telescopere-
- to form verbs and nouns which indicate that an action or process happens a second timere-allocation, reappear, rebuild, reconsider, reconstruct, recreate, redefine, rediscover, redistribute, re-examine, refreeze, regenerate, remarry, rename, reopen, repossess, reprint, re-read, restart, reunite, rewrite-related
- to form adjectives which indicate that one thing is connected with the otheralcohol-related, career-related, city-related, disaster-related, drug-related, drink-related, earnings-related, income-related, job-related, leisure-related, race-related, school-related, smoking-related, stress-related, tax-related, work-related-rich
- to form adjectives from nouns. The words formed indicate that the thing contains a lot of somethingcarbon-rich, cash-rich, energy-rich, fat-rich, fibre-rich, information-rich, lead-rich, mineral-rich, nitrate-rich, nutrient-rich, oil-rich, oxygen-rich, protein-rich, resource-rich, rubber-rich, species-rich, sugar-rich, vitamin-rich-ridden
- to form adjectives from nouns. The adjectives indicate that somebody/something suffer from something unpleasant or unwantedclass-ridden, cliche-ridden, debt-ridden, disease-ridden, draught-ridden, drought-ridden, fear-ridden, flood-ridden, guilt-ridden, lice-ridden, maggot-ridden, mouse-ridden, penalty-ridden, plague-ridden, rumour-ridden, scandal-ridden, storm-ridden, strike-ridden, tension-ridden, terror-ridden
Letter 'S' (12)
- to form nouns which describe the view of an areacityscape, cloudscape, lakescape, landscape, moonscape, mudscape, riverscape, seascape, skyscape, snowscape, starscape, townscapeself-
- to form words describing actions done to or by yourselfself-analysis, self-appointed, self-approval, self-awareness, self-catering, self-control, self-criticism, self-defeating, self-defece, self-denial, self-discipline, self-doubt, self-educated, self-employed, self-hate, self-image, self-indulgence, self-interest, self-knowledge, self-love, self-management, self-pity, self-portrait, self-protection, self-reliance, self-service, self-taught- to form nouns or adjectives which describe how people feel about themselvesself-assertive, self-assurance, self-assured, self-confidence, self-confident, self-conscious, self-esteem, self-importance, self-important, self-possessed, self-respect, self-respecting, self-satisfiedsemi-
- to form nouns and adjectives which describe something only party truesemi-automatic, semi-conscious, semi-dark, semi-darkness, semi-human, semi-liquid, semi-mystical, semi-naked, semi-official, semi-organic, semi-permanent, semi-precious, semi-retired, semi-skilled, semi-soft- to form nouns and adjectives which express the idea that something is equal to one half of something elsesemi-annual, semicircle, semicircular, semi-detached, semi-tone-ship
- to form nouns which refer to people in a particular occupation or positionapprenticeship, authorship, chairmanship, citizenship, deanship, directorship, doctorship, editorship, headmastership, leadership, membership, ownership, premiership, professorship, stewardship, studentship, traineeship- to form nouns which refer to the skill the people used when doing the job or occupationcraftsmanship, draftsmanship, horsemanship, marksmanship, musicianship, salesmanship, seamanship, showmanship, sportsmanship, workmanship- to form nouns which refer to a relations between two or more people and thingsacquaintanceship, companionship, friendship, partnership, relationship- to form nouns which refer to types of vehiclesairship, battleship, gunship, spaceship, steamship, troopship, warship-side
- to form referring to the edge of the placebedside, deskside, fireside, heartside, hillside, lakeside, mountainside, parkside, poolside, ringside, riverside, roadside, seaside, waterside- to form nounsearthside, grass-side, greenside, innerside, left-side, northside, openside, palm-side, passenger-side, right-side, sand-side, southside, underside, upperside-size, sized
- to form adjectives from nouns which describe the same size as something elseapple-sized, button-sized, cat-sized, city-sized, coin-sized, cottage-sized, farm-sized, finger-sized, fist-sized, man-sized, mouse-sized, page-sized, pea-sized, pin-sized, postcard-sized, poster-sized, room-sized, teaspoon-size, wall-size- to form adjectives from nouns describing something as being a suitable size for a particular purposeadult-size, child-size, family-size, man-size, pocket-size- to form adjectives referring to the sizeaverage size, full-size, giant-size, good-size, large-size, medium-size, middle-size, mid-size, moderate-size, normal-size, ordinary-size, small-size, standard-size-some
- to form adjectives from nouns and verbsadventuresome, bothersome, loathsome, lonesome, meddlesome, quarrelsome, venturesome- to form adjectives from nouns, verbs and adjectivesawesome, fearsome, tiresome, troublesome, wearisome, worrisome- to form nounschromosome, handsome, noisome, toothsome, wholesome-speak
- to form nounscomputer-speak, consumer-speak, lawyer-speak, marketing-speak, media-speak, teacher-speakstep-
- to form nounsstepbrother, stepdaughter, stepfather, stepmother, step-parent, stepsister, stepson-striken
- to form adjectives from nounsawe-stricken, famine-stricken, fear-striken, grief-stricken, guilt-stricken, horror-stricken, panic-stricken, poverty-stricken, terror-strickensub-
- to form nounssub-branch, sub-centre, sub-chief, sub-class, sub-contractor, subculture, subdepartment, subdivision, sub-editor, sub-group, sub-heading, sub-paragraph, sub-party, sub-plot, subset, sub-species, sub-system, sub-text, sub-total, subtype- to form nouns, adjectives and verbs which describe things which are beneath something elsesub-basement, subcurrent, submarine, submerge, suboceanic, subsea, subsoil, sub-surface, subterranean, subtitle, subway- to form nouns and adjectives which describe things that are inferior, smallersub-freezing, subhuman, sub-humid, subnormal, substandard, subteenage, sub-zerosuper-
- to form adjectives describing quality in a very large degreesuper-active, super-cheap, super-clever, super-dominant, super-efficient, super-friendly, super-heavy, super-intelligent, supermodern, super-quick, super-rich, super-secure, super-sensitive, supersophisticated- to form nounssuperathlete, superbrain, super-computer, super-genius, super-hero, superhighway, super-leader, superman, supermarket, superpower, superstar, superstate, superstore, supertanker
Letter 'T' (8)
- to form words which refer something distant or something happens over a distancetelecommuter, telegram, telegraph, telepathy, telephone, teleprinter, telescope, televisiontheo-
- referring to words with 'god' as part of their meaningtheological, theologythermo-
- referring to words with 'heat' as part of their meaningthermometer, thermonuclear, thermopollution, thermostat, thermotherapy-to-be
- to form nouns describing things or people that will become whatever the original nouns describebride-to-be, husband-to-be, mother-to-be, parents-to-be, wife-to-be, house-to-be, soon-to-be, never-to-betoo-
- to form adjectivestoo-clean, too-close, too-cold, too-easy, too-familiar, too-high, too-large, too-late, too-long, too-loud, too-massive, too-much, too-rapid, too-tighttrans-
- describing something moving from one side of something to the othertransAmerica, transatlantic, transcontinental, transoceanic, trans-Siberian, trans-world- describing processes where something goes from one place to anothertransfer, transfusion, transmit, transplant, transport- describing process where one thing crosses or goes through anothertranslucent, transparency, transparent- describing processes when something changes its shape or formtranscript, transcription, transform, translate, translation, transmute, transubstantialtri-
- to form words which indicate that something consists of three partstriangle, tricolour, tricycle, trilateral, tri-level, trilogy, triple, triplet, triplicate, tripod, trisyllabic-type
- to form words which refer to something similarEuropean-type, executive-type, gothic-type, military-type, police-type, rail-type, snack-type, Polish-type, war-type, Western-type
Letter 'U' (7)
- to form adjectives from nounscellular, curricular, granular, modular, molecular, muscular, valvular, circular, rectangular, triangularultra-
- to form adjectives from adjactivesultra-cautious, ultra-clean, ultra-conservative, ultra-fast, ultra-high, ultra-intelligent, ultra-light, ultra-low, ultra-modern, ultra-powerful, ultra-rich, ultra-secretive, ultra-sharp, ultra-smart, ultra-smooth, ultra-sophisticatedun-
- to form adjectives, nouns and adverbs with the opposite meaningunable, unacceptable, unalive, unalterable, unbelievable, unbiased, uncertain, unlcean, uncomfortable, unconscious, uncooperative, undemocratic, uneatable, unemotional, unemployed, unfaithful, unfortunate, unhappy, unhelpful, unkind, unlucky, unnatural, unnecessary, unoficial, unpleasant, unpredictable, unrealistic, unremarkable, unsafe, unsuccessful, untidy, unusual, unwilling- to form adjectives from participlesunbeaten, unbuilt, uncaring, unchanging, undamaged, undemanding, undisturbed, unexpected, unharmed, unhesitating, uninterrupted, uninviting, unloved, unneeded, unoffending, unpainted, unprepared, unread, untaught, untrusting, unwritten- to form verbsunbend, uncover, undo, undress, unlearn, unlock, unmake, unpack, unplug, unscrew, untie, unwrap, untwistunder-
- to form verbs, nouns and adjectivesunderdeveloped, under-equipped, underestimate, under-financed, undergrown, underpay, underpriced, undersize, undervalue, underweight- referring to words denoting that something is beneath something else or that something happens below something elseunderarm, underblanket, underclothes, underfoot, underground, underline, underlip, underpass, underscore, underside, under-soil, undersurface, underwater, underwear- to form nouns referring to lower rank or status than someone elseunder-butler, under-footman, undergraduate, under-manager, under-secretary, underservant, undersheriffuni-
- referring to words with 'one' or 'single' as part of their meaninguniform, unilateral, union, unique, unite, unityup-
- to form words which indicate that a person or thing is moving towards higher position or is situated in a higher positionup-current, upfield, unhill, upland, upriver, upside, upstage, upstairs, upstream, upwards, upwind- to form verbs and nounsupdate, upgrade, uprate, upturn- to form verbs, nouns, and adjectives describing some disturbance, troubleupbeat, upbringing, upcoming, upheaval, uphold, upkeep, uplift, upmarket, upright, upstanding, uptake-ure
- to form nouns from verbsclosure, composure, departure, disclosure, enclosure, expenditure, exposure, failure, mixture, pleasure, procedure, sculpture, seizure
Letter 'V' (2)
- to form nouns describing less important ranksvice-captain, vice-chairman, vice-consul, vice-minister, vice-premier, vice-president, vice-principalvideo-
- to form words with 'telvised pictures' as part of their meaningvideo-cassette, video-recorder, video-tape
Letter 'W' (9)
-ward, -wards
- to form words describing the directionbackward, backwards, ceiling-ward, downward, earthward, eastward, floorward, homeward, inward, northward, onward, outward, seaward, shoreward, skyward, southward, upward, westward-ware
- to form nouns referring to things made of a particular substance/material or are intended for a particular usechinaware, cookware, copperware, dinnerware, giftware, glassware, houseware, iron-ware, kitchenware, silverware, stoneware, tablewarewell-
- to form adjectives which describe something goodwell-acted, well-adjusted, well-arranged, well-balanced, well-behaved, well-bred, well-built, well-chosen, well-cut, well-designed, well-dressed, well-educated, well-furnished, well-made, well-organized, well-prepared, well-preserved, well-qualified, well-timed, well-trained, well-understood, well-written- to form adjectives denoting a large amount of somethingwell-attended, well-beaten, well-chewed, well-covered, well-deserved, well-earned, well-hidden, well-known, well-lit, well-loved, well-oiled, well-populated, well-respected, well-scrubbed, well-tried, well-worn- to form adjectives expressing that someone feels friendlywell-disposed, well-intentioned, well-meaning, well-meant, well-received, well-regarded-wide
- to form words which express that something exists or happens throughout the whole place, area, organisationarea-wide, city-wide, company-wide, ocntinent-wide, countrywide, industry-wide, nationwide, population-wide, society-wide, state-wide, worldwide-wise
- to form words which describe actions similar to the things or people referred to by the nouns usedclockwise, hammer-wise, machine-wise, monkey-wise, sack-wise, sailor-wise, slantwise, sleepwalker-wise, star-wise-woman
- to form nouns referring to women who do a particular job or who come from a particular placebarwoman, businesswoman, careerwoman, chairwoman, cleaning-woman, countrywoman, craftswoman, Englishwoman, Frenchwoman, Irishwoman, policewoman, saleswoman, Scotswoman, spokeswoman, sportswoman, yachtswoman-work
- to form nouns referring to things made of the substance or materialbrickwork, cement-work, ironwork, lacework, leatherwork, metalwork, paintwork, pipework, plasterwork, silverwork, steelwork, stonework, tilework, woodwork- to form nouns referring to activities done with the things indicated by the nounbrainwork, brushwork, camerawork, footwork, legwork, needlework, paperwork, woodwork- to form nouns referring to tasksclasswork, course-work, groupwork, homework, housework, model-work, schoolwork, speech-work- to form nouns referring to the jobday-work, farmwork, nightwork, office-work, police-work, practical-work, saleswork, shiftwork, shop-work, shore-work-worthy
- to form adjectives from nouns describing what people deserveapplause-worthy, award-worthy, creditworthy, headline-worthy, noteworthy, praiseworthy, respect-worthy, trustworthy-wright
- to form words referring to people who build, create or repair somethingmillwright, playwright, shipwright, wheelwright, wainwright
Letter 'Y' (1)
- to form adjectives from nouns. The adjectives denote that something / someone is very similar to the thing the noun refers toblotchy, bulky, bushy, cloudy, dirty, dusty, fatty, flowery, foggy, grassy, hairy, itchy, mighty, muddy, rainy, sketchy, smoky, sneaky, snowy, stoney, stumpy, sunny, thirty, tinny, worthy- to form adjectives describing the colourpinky, yellowy, greeny- to form informal words to give them more affectionate or familiar formdoggy
Słowotwórstwo ćwiczenia
- Angielski słowotwórstwo ćwiczenia disagree, dishonest, uncountable
- Słowotwórstwo angielski ćwiczenia irresponsible, disloyal, illegal
- Słowotwórstwo angielski przykłady immature, disagree, impossible, illegible
- Tworzenie wyrazów angielski incorrect, illegible, impolite, unusual
- Słowotwórstwo angielski czasowniki rzeczowniki belief, hesitation, advice, practice
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